Sunday, August 9, 2009

LOVE & DEATH 2!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy!! Special thanks to Brooke Reeves!!
Click here.

Thanks for watching!
Sage and Savannah

Friday, August 7, 2009

Exciting News!!!

Alright, you're probably wondering what the excited news is... Savannah and I have officially begun shooting Barbie 2: The Sequel!!!!!!!!! We only have a few things left to do and we're really excited to release it for you guys!!!! It will come out on Sunday, August 9!!

Other news:
Our EFY video should be coming soon. It was a very wonderful and spiritual experience and we're excited we got some of it for you guys! This video includes: Pizza Night, the DANCES!!, etc.. So we're looking forward to that.

Stay tuned to our blog for some awesome videos comin' up!!!!!

Thanks so much!
Sage and Savannah